VortexHealing® Awakening Stories

On losing the Inner Veil, the experience was of seeing myself as pure awareness, and as I looked out I saw awareness looking back at me from every direction. It was eternal beingness.

Wasn't so sure how I felt about day one [of Core Veil class], even though everyone's Core Veil got released. Couldn't really track the release, which was a surprise, although I did track the veil thinning over the course of the day. And, although I could feel a new spaciousness in the heart and an overall energetic softness, in other respects I didn't feel much of a difference.

However, it turns out the loss of the Core Veil was just a teeing up for the second day. We started by releasing the "I-thought" veil aspect [a secondary veil created by the Core Veil]. THAT was HUGE for me. Suddenly the new spaciousness, which felt mostly restricted to the heart, moved up into the head. It was what I had thought losing the Core Veil would be like. Like being in a beautiful space of peace from a meditation, if I actually meditated.

Before Core Veil class I had always attracted very dominant, aggressive aloof men. My relationships were always short, like a few months to a year. Now I'm happy that I could finish the chapter of bad relationships and enter the chapter of a real loving relationship. This is my awakening experience: I could enter love, light, and peace!

I went to the gym today and the most incredible thing happened. It was like I remembered how to do things I had never been able to do before-at least since I got sick when I was 18. I was able to move, bend, run, and lift in a way I have never been able to before. I was automatically completing yoga poses that I have only seen others do. I have taken maybe eight yoga classes in my life! I would start a class and then drop it quickly as it hurt too much to continue. I'm not hurting now. My jaw and head are still a little tight but the rest of my body feels entirely different! I'm accomplishing twice as much in half the time physically.

This is seriously blowing my mind! I had to tell you. I had to tell somebody. I'm grateful for what ever is happening. I just don't quite understand it.

To think such things could result from a shift in perspective [from an awakening] is almost impossible for me to imagine. Even if it was a really big one.

And my balance was amazing! I've been faking good balance for 22 years. Yes, it is possible to fake it. Fancying myself a dancer before I got ill, it was really hard on me to lose the ability to move the way I had before, so I created an illusion of balance and flexibility. What ever is happening now is the real thing. My nerve pathways can't have just regenerated just like that. Something else must be happening.

I want to add that the body stuff isn't the only interesting thing happening. I feel like my language system finally works. I'm no longer a non-linear girl trying desperately to live in a linear world. Everything fits now. For the first time in my life I'm not terrified of getting up in the morning or walking down the street. It's strange, I know, to say I felt terrified all the time before and now I'm not. But it's the truth.

There are no words to describe the awakening, because it is life itself succeeding every moment. It's like water running through the water. It is the same Grace filling with love everything that was, is, and will be.