VortexHealing® Student Testimonials

“VortexHealing has transformed all areas of our life. VortexHealing brought us together as partners on life and in business, in beautifully healing and supportive relationship. Besides being able to shift really dense ancestral and incarnational conditioning and experiencing the transformation of issues that previously weighed us down, it has been life changing to go through the awakening process. And we have been gifted with amazing tools to facilitate healing and transformation in others. Our clients have had excellent results in a range of physical and emotional conditions, such as the clearing of diabetes, endometriosis, chronic headaches, balancing or hormones, etc. A game changer has been our ability for the quick transformation of situations and challenges in the most miraculous ways. From clearing traffic and queues to working on difficult situations in the workplace, or in life in general, these tools have ability to magically transform them and manifest the best outcomes. Clients have met romantic partners, got new jobs, resolved family drama, turned around their financial situation, transformed their relationships, won legal battles, and some have even changed the entire trajectory of their lives, just to name a few. VortexHealing has undoubtedly accelerated our spiritual evolution, from a place of truth, as opposed to being New Agey. The permanent space that becomes available through the awakening process has enabled us to tap into the power of presence with each other, with others and in life. We are in deep gratitude to be on this wizard path of magical transformation!”

Vuyo & Nazli – VortexHealing® practitioners. South Africa

“VortexHealing has helped me to develop a deep relationship with Divinity. This ever deepening relationship and falling more deeply into Love has been hugely accelerated by the work done in VortexHealing classes and the tools from those classes. VortexHealing has stripped away the wounded and traumatized parts I held, allowing my essential nature to be more and more freely expressed. I am eternally grateful to Ric, all the teachers, and of course the Divine source of the lineage.”

Edmund – retreat center founder. England

“I had been working as a holistic physical therapist for about 15 years. Although I really liked my work, I was also looking for something that could take it a good step further. In the meanwhile, I was also looking for someone who could help my son, who is autistic. The psychiatrist said there was nothing she could do to help him. She made a diagnosis, and that was it. I didn’t believe her. So I started looking around to see if I could find someone who could help my son.

To make a long story short, after only four sessions of VortexHealing my son improved dramatically. He was so much more relaxed, open, cuddly, grounded, and cheerful. It was a truly amazing change. And the changes were permanent. After a while I realised that this VortexHealing was maybe something for me as well.

When I enrolled in the Foundational course, I was very critical, despite the wonderful transformation of my son. I could hear myself thinking: I’m not going to listen to any spiritual nonsense. If I don’t like this, I will be out of here in no time!

Well, I am still doing VortexHealing classes, and I have been doing VortexHealing on clients from that class onwards, as this so beautifully compliments my work as a holistic physical therapist. I have found exactly what I was looking for.

VortexHealing opens up a complete new dimension for me. As if I have been walking along a wall trying to find a gate to get to the other side and finally finding it. And it surpasses every expectation! In addition to the fact that many of my clients are very enthusiastic and helped by it, VortexHealing supports a growing insight for me into how people develop all sorts of mental, emotional, and physical issues/complaints, and it gives me a deep understanding of how that impacts their lives. This understanding helps me to open up to them in a very compassionate way. And as I open up to the Divinity coming through me, I can let intuitions materialize that help people along and be a vehicle to make things more conscious for them.

But most of all, VortexHealing has helped me to live from Divinity, so I just do what I can in an attentive, compassionate, and loving way, however small the situation. I can now open up to be an increasing available instrument of Divine love and light. I’m learning to be selfless, while still taking care of myself, since I still have my own struggles, problems, and issues, and a body that sometimes aches. I’m grateful to have VortexHealing, which I use to improve so many things, like better sleep, more energy, less attachments, being able to let go, etc.

Being able to create a healing, for someone else or myself, just by intending and channeling VortexHealing, is purest magic to me. From oneness into a human being, so something gets healed. All of this gives me space and freedom and joy. And it gives me a very deep sense of inner peace. Coping with living in this world has changed enormously for me.

So, I’m grateful every day that I came across VortexHealing. It has made life so much better, fuller, emptier...”

Patricia – VortexHealing® practitioner, physical therapist. Netherlands