VortexHealing® Student Testimonials

“I ended up in VortexHealing classes while trying to find a fix for issues related to my left hip. Towards the end of the Foundational class it became clear I would stay for the next class. It is now 4-5 years and a lot of classes later, and I can say it has changed my perspective to life quite completely. There is now so much freedom and joy in my being. Also sense of safety and support. The tools offer me possibility to transform myself and help others including animals. I have the same job and home as 4-5 years ago but life feels completely different, happy and free.”

Helka – mobil-network engineer. Finland.

“Because of VortexHealing and releasing issues I have more self-confidence, and it is quiet in my head. No more thoughts, only when I'm actively thinking or when I get an inner message. For me it is a great difference.”

Hanneke. VortexHealing® practitioner and yoga teacher. Netherlands.

“I have been working on myself since I was 16 years old. I had a lot of anxiety and self-worth issues, and I was determined to work through them. By the time I came to VortexHealing at age 27, I was getting exhausted by all the effort it took to make even incremental progress – I still had a deep drive to resolve my issues, I just needed better, more effective tools. VortexHealing provided those tools, and then some!

Within days after taking the Foundational class, the tools provided helped me to achieve a level of freedom within that I couldn't have even imagined before. As I continued through the classes, I became more and more free of self doubt, self hatred, social anxiety, and the constant tension in my body. I used the tools to clear my issues around money, and in short order my finances turned around. Later I uncovered some early childhood sexual trauma that VortexHealing has been a priceless aid in resolving.

Most miraculous of all, though, is the depth of spiritual Awakening that VortexHealing has facilitated for me. At each stage in the Awakening process, I have been humbled anew, and I know none of it would have been possible for me in this lifetime without the magic, love, and grace that the VortexHealing lineage has brought into my life. I am forever grateful.”

Nathan – VortexHealing® practitioner. USA.

“VortexHealing transformed my life. After trying many healing modalities, it was the first one that gave me real freedom from childhood traumas and has continued to astound me as to the depth of change it can bring about in my life.”

Shiraya – healer. South Africa

“I love VortexHealing. It has transformed my life beyond recognition; I am infinitely blessed to be part of this lineage.”

Daisy – author & retreat center owner. England