VortexHealing® Student Testimonials

“When I think about what VortexHealing has offered to my life, I feel deep, silent gratitude. This gratitude goes well beyond any surface level feelings of thankfulness into a sense of awe and joy that I’ve even been allowed to participate in something so magical. VortexHealing offers what seems impossible: a way of magically uncovering our own hearts and showing us the direction Home (within). It has helped me to cease being who I didn’t want to be and has opened doors of possibility that I didn’t think were possible for me. I can’t imagine anything more worthwhile.”

Phillip – speech-language pathologist. USA

“A fairly traumatic event in my life led me to VortexHealing and the result of that first session was so dramatic and profound that I knew I had to study this healing art for myself. I may not have known it then, but my physical life and my spiritual search were becoming one, so that now I can no longer distinguish between the two. Instead of experiencing a sense of duality between my physical self here and something spiritual ‘out there’, now there is an undeniable connection between them. This truth is reinforced every time I give a healing session to a client. No matter what is going on for me that day, when I am in the presence of this healing energy it magically transforms the entire experience so that the client and I, and everything and everyone we come in contact with is changed from that moment on.

I now feel more connected to a deeper version or vision of myself than I ever thought was possible. My life is no longer a haphazard, random series of events with only me and my self-interests at the center, but one in which a larger, more graceful, loving and intimately alive presence continuously weaves itself through me like a mischievous and kind fabric never leaving me alone.”

John – public school teacher. USA

“VortexHealing impacted my life as nothing before I studied or practiced. For the first time, I found deep freedom within myself, and a lot of health and energy. Practicing VortexHealing taught me to surrender deep in life. The result is joy, love and abundance. It's a grace for me to share this with my clients in a full time VortexHealing practice.”

Kristin – psychologist, energy healing practitioner, musician. Germany

“With VortexHealing, my entire physical, mental, psychological, and spiritual systems have been transformed. It has become a path of awakening that calls me every day, and sometimes several times a day, to ‘come home’.”

Ariane – Ed.D., creative career coach and writer. USA

"It has been a challenge to reconcile my rational mind and the experiences I have had with VortexHealing because of how striking they've been. Once when I was experiencing heartbreak it turned into a tender hearted compassionate bliss – before any person formally initiated a session, simply sitting at the VortexHealing community clinic waiting for a session, and it was noticeable to others I was in a different state. On another occasion my cat had severe respiratory congestion with a lot of discharge. After working on him for a few sessions over 48 hours he was better than before he got sick with no other kind of treatment.

Because of these experiences, I am less inclined to hold awakening as an intellectual understanding because the mind really just goes tilt in the face of these results. At the same time it is also clear the source of these experiences is beyond any feeling state, and this is beyond healing in terms of feeling good – transformation is really an accurate way to describe it. I suppose this may also be why VortexHealing is not very well known. It simply cannot be explained though I cannot deny the results."

Mark – banker. USA